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2010The adventures continue with the first year of the 10s spent cavorting around South America.
Back to CanadaI returned to Canada for my cousin's wedding in Fort St John, BC. This was followed a week later by John's bachelor party (for whom I was best man) and a week after that by a 4 day trip through southwest Saskatchewan with French friends Yann and Frederic and a few days later, John's wedding. And that's all just in the first month...
6 373
Fort Saint John


After travelling Latin America for several months my first stop at home was the most northern point I've visited in Canada: Fort St. John and also where I would attend my cousin's beautiful wedding to a beautiful girl named Jen.

Blog - Northern Nuptuals

111 files, last one added on Aug 06, 2010
Album viewed 205 times

John's Stag


After a lot of help from friends and planning from busses and emails abroad, the big weekend of John's bachelor party arrived. Pizza and visiting on Friday; golf, BBQ steaks, and Texas Hold 'Em on Saturday, beach, burgers, Risk, and Settlers of Catan on Sunday. All in all, a nice weekend.

Blog - A Farewell to Johns

95 files, last one added on Aug 22, 2010
Album viewed 230 times

Big Muddy


Part 1 of The French Connection. I picked up Yann and son, Frederic, from Regina where we visited the Mountie museum and took them to Moose Jaw and then south to Saskatchewan's badlands: Big Muddy.

Blog - Southern Saskatchewan Circuit

48 files, last one added on Aug 28, 2010
Album viewed 207 times



The third day of our journey took us along the Red Coat Trail, retracing the 1885 March West all the way to Eastend and Scotty the T-Rex before heading up to the eastern block of Cypress Hills and finally up and over to Medicine Hat after one of the most beautiful sunsets I have on record.

Blog - Southern Saskatchewan Circuit

35 files, last one added on Aug 31, 2010
Album viewed 200 times

Hills of Cypress and Sand


The final day of our 4-day whirlwind expedition through Southern Saskatchewan actually started in Alberta's Medicine Hat and wove across the entirety of Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park and then up past a vineyard to The Great Sandhills before finally coming to a rest back in Saskatoon.

Blog - Running Back to Saskatoon

40 files, last one added on Sep 07, 2010
Album viewed 231 times

Around Town


After taking my French pals around the province we had a couple days to look around the city, too - not enough time but we got to Wanuskewin, downtown, the Berry Barn, Putt 'n Bounce, and of course Athena.

Blog - Around Town

44 files, last one added on Sep 08, 2010
Album viewed 164 times

6 albums on 1 page(s)

South AmericaI arrived in South America by sailboat, Feb 10, 2010, in the remote village of Capurgana, Colombia. From there things would get bigger and more intense as I worked my way south through Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, and Chile.
47 2,298


My first 'real' destination in South America, Cartagena blew my high expectations way out of the water with its beautiful colonial buildings, lively plazas, salsa from every corner, and incredible Colombian people. My time was limited but I will be back.

Blog - Colonial Cartagena

36 files, last one added on Feb 16, 2010
Album viewed 71 times



Carnaval is of course most famous in Brazil, but it is a Latin American celebration that's big in Panama, Mexico, and here in Colombia. The centre of the action was Baranquilla and Phil and I dropped in on the festivities with excellent results!

Blog - Carnaval in Colombia

57 files, last one added on Feb 18, 2010
Album viewed 70 times



A really quick stop in this pretty and well-planned city, famous for its nightlife. The city surpassed expectations but the nightlife was average.

Blog - Medellin and Medellout

35 files, last one added on Feb 28, 2010
Album viewed 65 times



At last we arrived in Bogota, where we have many friends living. It was a pleasure all too short catching up with them and a city not explored nearly enough.

Blog - Home Free Bogota

45 files, last one added on Mar 02, 2010
Album viewed 68 times



I stopped in Armenia on the way to Cali to see Katie, an old friend that is currently teaching at a Colombian school there. I toured the nearby coffee town of Salento, her school, and played a game called Tejo involving stones and dynamite.

Blog - Dynamite Dean at Last

67 files, last one added on Mar 04, 2010
Album viewed 77 times



Cali is a place famed for it's nightlife, girls, empanadas, and the Cadena sisters. I met the latter, ate the third, danced with the second, and partook in the first as well as saying bye to Phil, taking salsa and Spanish classes, and doing little else.

Blog - Cali Born, La Girls

56 files, last one added on Mar 08, 2010
Album viewed 76 times

Southwest Colombia


Popayan, the white city, was the real start of my solo travels. Also, with a week of basically not using my camera, my inner-photographer was starving. Popayan, then Pasto, and the magnificent Sanctuario de las Lajas satiated that hunger perfectly.

Blog - Down and Out of Colombia

59 files, last one added on Mar 13, 2010
Album viewed 80 times



My first stop in Ecuador was a delightful small city in the eastern Andes where I arrived just in time to visit the famous Saturday markets and load up on Alpaca wool. From there, plentiful hikes through the countryside to small indigenous towns, waterfalls, and lakes awaited.

Blog - Octavalo Highs

49 files, last one added on Mar 19, 2010
Album viewed 64 times



Ecuador's Quito is the second highest capital city in the world, clocking in at 2850m and also sits just below the equator. As well, it is a city surrounded my mountains, volcanoes, and is one of the most historic in all of South America.

Blog - Ecuador's Equator

60 files, last one added on Mar 30, 2010
Album viewed 69 times

Cotopaxi Park


To get acclimatized for my climb to the top of Cotopaxi - the world's highest active volcano - I spent a week or so at Secret Garden Cotopaxi. Amazing food, great hikes, and views of Cotopaxi right out the window awaited.

Blog - Home on the (Mountain) Range

43 files, last one added on Mar 30, 2010
Album viewed 69 times

Cotopaxi Summit


We set out at noon to conquer the highest active volcano in the world, Cotopaxi, and fought any number of maladies to reach the summit at 5897m above sea level. Possibly the greatest thing I have ever done.

Blog - Such Great Heights

44 files, last one added on Apr 01, 2010
Album viewed 83 times



A small town perched on the cliff of an active volcano and a valley below surrounded by waterfalls, other mountains, and of course, the hot springs for which it is named.

Blog - Finding the Baños

54 files, last one added on Apr 06, 2010
Album viewed 63 times

47 albums on 4 page(s) 1

2009Adventures from the end of the 00's, including a couple weeks running across the Canadian Rockies and more importantly working my way south through Central America.
Central AmericaStarting from the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico and working ever southward towards Panama.

Blog - Central America Posts
27 1,258


First stop on the overland route from Central America to South America? The Yucatan peninsula of Mexico and specifically Cancun.5 nights of decompression were welcome before setting out on backpacking adventures.

Blog - Fifth Corner of the World

20 files, last one added on Nov 16, 2009
Album viewed 47 times

Playa del Carmen


After a small vacation it was backpacking time, and though it wasn't part of the plan, my first stop was Playa Del Carmen. This proved to be a wise move not only because I loved it here but also because I met up with a friend from Saskatoon.

Blog - Don't Be A Playa Hate-ah

34 files, last one added on Nov 16, 2009
Album viewed 72 times



A favourite stop of many, we used Tulum as a base to explore the ruins of Coba as well as, of course, Tulum. With terrible weather, however, it wasn't all that we'd hoped it would be. Still, Hurricane Ida was a great backdrop for photographing Tulum.

Blog - To Tulum

41 files, last one added on Nov 16, 2009
Album viewed 65 times

Orange Walk


The first stop in Belize did not auger well for the country. Orange Walk town was a bit dodgy (no, we didn't take that hotel on Slaughterhouse Lane) but the ruins at and boat trip to Lamanai were worth the bars over the windows.

Blog - The Run From Orange Walk

43 files, last one added on Nov 17, 2009
Album viewed 63 times

Caye Caulker


The best stop to date on this tour was the small island (or caye = quai = key) of Caye Caulker off the coast of Belize. SCUBA diving the Blue Hole and the amazing reef, a day at the beach (with sun!), and lobster everynight.

Blog - The Cayes to Belize

39 files, last one added on Nov 17, 2009
Album viewed 60 times

San Ignacio


A final stop in Belize, about 3 miles from the Guatemala border was a particularly serendipitous one. We wound up staying with an expat family (sort of) in a small village, visiting a Mayan burial cave, and the ruins across the street.

Blog - Don't Ignore Ignacio

45 files, last one added on Nov 22, 2009
Album viewed 114 times

Flores & Tikal


After hitching a ride across the border in Guatemala, Phil and I spent a couple days in Flores doing laundry, exploring the little island town-within-a-town, and most importantly, visiting the ancient Mayan metropolis of Tikal.

Blog - Guatemala in a Pickup

43 files, last one added on Nov 22, 2009
Album viewed 63 times

Semuc Champey


Without a doubt one of the best stops I will have made along the Pan American highway was the small village of Lanquin near Semuc Champey. Waterfalls, pools, tubing, caves, a cheap resort, great local characters, and a beautiful setting. Aside from skiing, I'm not sure what more a person could ask for?

Blog - Dieter Libre!

64 files, last one added on Nov 25, 2009
Album viewed 76 times



At last, we arrived in Antigua, where I began my Spanish study in earnest. We spent a week here studying in this great little town, living with a family and immersing ourselves as much as possible in Spanish. On the weekend, a volcano climb, some markets, fun nightlife and a beautiful colonial town to explore.

Blog - 20 Hours to Great Spanish

78 files, last one added on Dec 07, 2009
Album viewed 73 times

Lake Atitlan


Lake Atitlan is a pretty famous mountain lake located, as it happens, directly on my travel path from Antigua to Xela. We stopped in the small lakeside village of San Pedro and admired the volcanoes and other towns also ringing the lakeside. And met up with a few old friends.

Blog - Atitlan: Green with Envyronmental Problems

40 files, last one added on Dec 09, 2009
Album viewed 62 times



Xela turned out to be a pleasant surprise and one of those places that you could lose weeks visiting and trying to see it all. It had a certain beguiling charm, like a European woman full of makeup: good from afar, but far from good.

Blog - Low light is a Xela's best friend.
Blog - Adios, Guate!

45 files, last one added on Dec 11, 2009
Album viewed 75 times



A two-day hike to the highest point in Central America, a dormant volcano that offers some pretty impressive views in every direction not to mention a great sunrise and exciting sunset.

Blog - Top of Central America

46 files, last one added on Dec 11, 2009
Album viewed 68 times

27 albums on 3 page(s) 1

Canadian ExpeditionA whirlwind two weeks making my way with the famed "Alabama Dan" from Vancouver to Calgary and hiking over 100 km along the way.

Blog - Canadian Expedition Posts
7 249


I joined backpacker friend Dan Fritts (AKA Alabama Dan) for the Canadian portion of his American Expedition, backpacking, hiking, and camping from Vancouver to Calgary on a 2 week adventure.

Blog - Hiking Home From Vancouver

48 files, last one added on Oct 28, 2009
Album viewed 68 times



Our next major stop of note was Wells Gray Provincial Park, AKA Land of Waterfalls. Though we only scratched the surface of the park, it was plainly beautiful, remote, and a lot more rolling then the rest of our stops.

Blog - Hiking Home From Vancouver

14 files, last one added on Oct 28, 2009
Album viewed 45 times

Mt Robson


Our third major stop on the Canadian Expedition, Mt. Robson was also one of my favourites. We had stunning views of the Rockies' Tallest Mountain, hiked in to Berg Lake, got soaked in some amazing waterfalls, and gained enough elevation to give us a healthy perspective on the park. And a healthy appetite.

Blog - Mt Robson Revealed

38 files, last one added on Oct 28, 2009
Album viewed 66 times



Although it might not be obvious in the photos, Jasper was one of our biggest stops on the Canadian Expedition. Although we were chased by thunderstorms and plagued by invisible lakes, it was also the first bear sighting and home to some amazing scenery.

Blog - Jasper: Summer Gold

34 files, last one added on Oct 28, 2009
Album viewed 59 times

Icefields Parkway


The drive from Jasper to Banff along the icefields parkway in considered to be among the most beautiful in the world and after having done many hours in many locales across the globe, I can vouch for this.

Blog - Lakes, Ice, Mountains, and Glaciers

35 files, last one added on Oct 28, 2009
Album viewed 76 times

Lake Louise


While everyone talks of Banff, some of the more rewarding hikes were in the vicinity of Lake Louise, not to mention several of the most beautiful lakes in the country. Dan and I spent a few days hiking and, of course, photographing here before heading to Yoho.

Blog - Lakes, Ice, Mountains, and Glaciers

42 files, last one added on Oct 28, 2009
Album viewed 65 times

Yoho and Banff


A little backtrack into BC for a beautiful hike known as the Iceline Trail, a stop at Emerald Lake, the Spiral Tunnels, and an attempt to triangulate the existence of fossil fields without a guide.

Blog - Yoho Ho and a Bottle at Home

38 files, last one added on Oct 28, 2009
Album viewed 143 times


7 albums on 1 page(s)

First Half of 2009Miscellaneous misadventures. Las Vegas, Chicago, Puerto Vallarta, Edmonton, Soccer, Biking, and more.
8 377


Ah, nothing caps a good Saskatchewan summer like a weekend at the Greek pavilion for Folkfest.

Blog - The Doldroms of 2009

23 files, last one added on Oct 28, 2009
Album viewed 80 times



A bunch of unsorted photos taken in the summer of '09. Dynamite Dean and the Formidable Pylons, golfing, biking, and so on. It may not have been a great summer but we took advantage of the nice days alright.

Blog - The Doldroms of 2009

76 files, last one added on Oct 28, 2009
Album viewed 75 times



I took a roadtrip with my sisters to Edmonton. In the cards: Shopping, waterpark, and not much else. It was only one night, after all...

Blog - The Doldroms of 2009

23 files, last one added on Oct 28, 2009
Album viewed 133 times

Puerto Vallrata


A week in the Mexican city of Puerto Vallarta living the resort life - at the resort my sister Larissa was working at (Hola Puerto Vallarta). Along for the ride, good friend John, sister Nicole, and her friend Janelle.

Blog - Viva Puerto Vallarta

71 files, last one added on Oct 27, 2009
Album viewed 107 times

Water Polo


A few shots taken during some intense water polo games.

Blog - Viva Puerto Vallarta

53 files, last one added on Oct 28, 2009
Album viewed 71 times



A weekend trip to the windy city courtesy of the good people at Littelfuse, back when the job market was hot and the positions were plentiful. Even though I didn't get offered a spot with the company, it was great to finally visit one of the world's finest cities although a bit of heat wouldn't hurt it at all.

Blog - Project for a New American Year

28 files, last one added on Oct 28, 2009
Album viewed 78 times

Las Vegas


Dad took me down to Vegas for an event I've always wanted to attend: CES (Consumer Electronics Show). While there, yes, a bit of gambling, but also a trip to Arizona and Lake Havasu to look at houses and explore a bit of the countryside.

Blog - Project for a New American Year

48 files, last one added on Oct 28, 2009
Album viewed 72 times

New Year's Eve


The red carpet was rolled out at Specklebelly's and the paparazzi were there snapping photographs. By which I mean me, of course, wearing an old-timey hat and one of my Vietnamese suits. I'm not going to lie to you, this was a great party.

Blog - Recapping 2008

55 files, last one added on Oct 28, 2009
Album viewed 74 times

8 albums on 1 page(s)

2008My adventures in 2008, mostly encompassing Southeast Asia.
AsiaStarting in Bali and working over to Java, up to Singapore, through Malaysia to Thailand, and then Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, and concluding in China.

Blog - Asian Posts
36 1,591


My first stop in Asia - ever - was the lovely island of Bali. Rice, temples, fun, adventure, and a whole lot of photos await.

Blog - Chapter Two: SE Asia

114 files, last one added on Mar 19, 2008
Album viewed 100 times

Mt Bromo


The trip from Bali to Java brought me to the slopes of Mt. Bromo, an active volcano. Arriving as I did at 2 AM, it only made sense to set out immediately to witness sunrise at the top.

Blog - Two Days in One

50 files, last one added on Mar 19, 2008
Album viewed 70 times

Yogya, Batu Karas, Bandung


My first 'real' stop in Java was the city of Yogyakarta, surrounded by ancient and massive temples, a traditional sultan's palace community, and all those things that make Asia Asia.

Blog - Yogyakarta to Jakarta

58 files, last one added on Mar 19, 2008
Album viewed 150 times

Taman Safari


A zoo where you drive right through the enclosures, Jurassic Park-post-power-outage style. Keep the windows closed if a tiger comes near!

Blog - Yogyakarta to Jakarta

72 files, last one added on Mar 19, 2008
Album viewed 75 times



A stop in this city-state was a great chance to be among fellow travellers again, not to mention a very western-feeling eastern city.

Blog - Slingapore

44 files, last one added on Mar 23, 2008
Album viewed 70 times

Malacca and Kuala Lumpur


At last, mainland Asia! Traveling from Singapore to Thailand, I made my way north stopping in some of the best places I could find along the way.

Blog - A Tale of Two Towers

60 files, last one added on Mar 28, 2008
Album viewed 2527 times

Cameron Highlands


The Cameron Highlands are the heart of the massive Malaysian tea industry. The hills are covered in undulating tea plantations and it was here that I tasted what is definitely the best tea I've ever had.

Blog - Tea With Malaysia's Dark Heart

26 files, last one added on Mar 28, 2008
Album viewed 88 times

Taman Negara


A journey to the dark beating heart of Malaysia, Taman Negara, one of the oldest rainforests in the world. We took a two day trek, slept in a cave, and tracked tigers. All in a day's work.

Blog - Tea With Malaysia's Dark Heart

36 files, last one added on Apr 05, 2008
Album viewed 69 times

East Malaysia


Starting in Kuantan and working my way north to the Thai border, with notable stops in Cherating, Pulau Kapas, and the Perhentian Islands, the East coast had so much to offer.

Blog - East Coast Malays

54 files, last one added on May 14, 2008
Album viewed 75 times



Islands and beaches in southern Thailand were terrific in all terms; unfortunately I had to cut my time short so this only includes Ko Lipe, Ko Phi Phi, Hat Yai, and Ton Sai.

Blog - Thaislands

109 files, last one added on May 14, 2008
Album viewed 74 times



Two days in Bangkok is not enough, especially when you're still recovering from Dengue Fever, but I think I made a valiant effort to get a taste for it.

Blog - The Life of Pai

16 files, last one added on May 14, 2008
Album viewed 54 times

Northern Thailand


Around Chiang Mai and Pai, two great places to drop your backpack in northern Thailand. Cooking schools, treks with elephants, hill tribes, and exoticness.

Blog - The Life of Pai

71 files, last one added on May 24, 2008
Album viewed 95 times

36 albums on 3 page(s) 1

Coming HomeAfter 20 months along the Pacific Rim, I think enjoying a little bit of home and life and family and friends in Saskatoon is definitely called for.
2 97
The Return Home


A short album of my first few days travelling back home and getting into the 'swing' of things. Yes, I punned it. And I'd do it again.

Blog - The Return Home
Blog - Recapping 2008

69 files, last one added on Oct 03, 2008
Album viewed 122 times



Three days of Greek food, music, and dancing!

Blog - Recapping 2008

28 files, last one added on Sep 18, 2008
Album viewed 70 times

2 albums on 1 page(s)

Pacific ChallengeTwo months of travel with a group of 20 through some of the best spots in New Zealand and Australia yielded close to 5000 photos. Check out the best from all the amazing locations we visited.

Blog - Pacific Challenge Posts
25 1,790


Our first stop on the PC was a Maori village called Waitomo. On the menu, abseiling, spelunking, black water rafting, a farm show, and more.

Blog - A Dean For All Seasons

111 files, last one added on Jan 27, 2007
Album viewed 194 times



We spent some time on Lake Taupo and in the surrounding area, at a natural hotsprings, Hooka falls, and a little nightlife too.

Blog - The Taupo of Dean

102 files, last one added on Jan 27, 2007
Album viewed 81 times

Mount Doom (Tongario)


We got an authentic taste of Mordor hiking in Tongario National Park in inclement weather.

Blog - Bring on the Camping

19 files, last one added on Jan 28, 2007
Album viewed 49 times

Mangaweka Camping


We camped overnight in Mangaweka, and had a little campfire party to stave off the rain - not to mention some body surfing through the rapids.

Blog - Bring on the Camping

30 files, last one added on Jan 28, 2007
Album viewed 77 times



Wellington proved to be one of my favourite cities - ever. Beautiful, clean, friendly, green, fun, and cultured all at once.

Blog - Doing Wellington

54 files, last one added on Jan 28, 2007
Album viewed 913 times



Our first stop in the South Island of New Zealand was the lovely little city of Nelson, where we party, skydove, and hang glided.

Blog - The Full Nelson

49 files, last one added on Feb 01, 2007
Album viewed 67 times

Wine Tasting


Katie, Brad, Chris, Anthony, and myself took a wine tasting trip just outside Nelson. The result? Delicious!

Blog - The Full Nelson

32 files, last one added on Feb 18, 2007
Album viewed 63 times

Abel Tasman


We hiked into Abel Tasman, a beautiful national park with more beaches than people and camped for two days before kayaking out. A highlight.

Blog - Ready, Willing, and Abel Tasman

101 files, last one added on Feb 18, 2007
Album viewed 81 times



A quick day in Kaikoura to swim with the dolphins and relax before heading to Christchurch.

Blog - Attack of the Killer Dolphins

35 files, last one added on Feb 18, 2007
Album viewed 62 times



We stopped in Christchurch and I met with my friend, Mike, who showed us around the area and well beyond.

Blog - West Bests Rest

138 files, last one added on Feb 24, 2007
Album viewed 80 times

Peel Forest


We stopped in a lodge in the middle of Peel Forest and did some ropes courses and mostly enjoyed living ecologically.

Blog - A Peeling Forest

62 files, last one added on Feb 24, 2007
Album viewed 72 times

Mt. Cook


We stayed at Mount Cook in a beautiful alpine region, had a rather embarrassing cross-dressing party, hiked to Mueller Hut, and saw Tasman glacier. A definite highlight.

Blog - Mount Mt. Cook

159 files, last one added on Feb 27, 2007
Album viewed 78 times

25 albums on 3 page(s) 1

AustraliaAfter Pacific Challenge, I was alone in Australia to see and do as I pleased. So far, I've spent two weeks with Chris, Kate, and Alli, and about a week around the Blue Mountains and Sydney with Katie, Dave, and Diane.

Blog - Australia Posts
44 2,478
Surfer's Paradise


Dustin and the remainder of PC2 dropped Chris, Kate, Alli, and myself off to begin our two-week sojourn together.

Blog - Surfer's Paradise

23 files, last one added on Apr 07, 2007
Album viewed 66 times

The Green Mountains


We did a little outdoorsy camping and hiking at O'Reilly's in Lamington National Park. A pretty nice walk looking into New South Wales.

Blog - The Green Mountains

50 files, last one added on Apr 09, 2007
Album viewed 62 times

Back to Byron


We found out that the remnants of Pacific Challenge were going to be in Byron Bay, so we headed down there to stay with them for a night.

Blog - Reunion of Sorts

19 files, last one added on Apr 09, 2007
Album viewed 50 times

Noosa Heads


We moved up from the Gold Coast to the Sunshine Coast and some really great beach in Noosa Heads.

Blog - Heads to Noose

12 files, last one added on Apr 09, 2007
Album viewed 47 times

Steve Irwin's Australia Zoo


We could hardly be in Australia without having visited Steve Irwin's legacy to the world. Check out some of the animals we saw at the Australia Zoo.

Blog - Heaven to Betsy (Almost)

51 files, last one added on Apr 09, 2007
Album viewed 62 times

Blue Mountain Return


I drove day and night to get myself down to Katoomba and the Blue Mountains for some canyoning with Dave and other PC remnants, then hung around walking trails for a few days.

Blog - Blue (Sky) Mountains

37 files, last one added on Apr 09, 2007
Album viewed 56 times

Sydney Take Two


It being time for Katie to go home, I went into Sydney with her for a day or two but wound up spending quite a bit more time than that.

Blog - Blue (Sky) Mountains

31 files, last one added on Apr 15, 2007
Album viewed 60 times



A full day in the nation's capital filled with sights and sounds. Of Karaoke.

Blog - Canberra Bit

31 files, last one added on Apr 15, 2007
Album viewed 57 times

Off to the Races


I went with Mike and some friends and family of his to the Sydney Cup, which was definitely a highlight of Australia.

Blog - Off to the Races

43 files, last one added on Apr 17, 2007
Album viewed 62 times



The trip from Sydney to Melbourne was full of these milestones (or millebournes, if you will). Scenic drives along the coast, through the mountains, and food and wine made it a very memorable journey.

Blog - Millebournes to Melbourne

70 files, last one added on Apr 22, 2007
Album viewed 64 times



My first semi-permanent stop in Australia, a city renowned for its nightlife, art, entertainment, and hipness. Not to mention Greek community. Does this sound like somewhere I could pass up?

Blog - Melbourne Posts

155 files, last one added on Jun 04, 2007
Album viewed 153 times

Ballarat and Beyond


I took a trip to the Goldfields to see Ballarat's famous Sovereign Hill and then headed out into the Grampians for a couple days of hiking. Good fun on three days off!

Blog - Ballarat Race

61 files, last one added on Jun 09, 2007
Album viewed 66 times

44 albums on 4 page(s) 1

16 478
New Year's Eve


As always, New Year's Eve at Athena. John and his sisters were there, Dan and his cadre of followers too, and we had a fun old time.

51 files, last one added on Jan 01, 2007
Album viewed 80 times

Diefenbaker Downhill


Dad and I took Mariah and her cousins tobogganing.

28 files, last one added on Jan 02, 2007
Album viewed 65 times

Mariah's Christmas Concert


Mariah was a snowboarder and translator in her concert this year.

13 files, last one added on Dec 21, 2006
Album viewed 47 times



Some pictures I took with the little iSight camera built into my shiny new MacBook Pro.

17 files, last one added on Dec 10, 2006
Album viewed 53 times

Frank Black in Saskatoon


Brian and I had arranged a FrankBlack.Net meet and greet with Frank Black and the band here in Saskatoon. Some photos from the tour bus meeting and show enclosed.

Blog - Sizzling Saskatoon Show

28 files, last one added on Nov 11, 2006
Album viewed 85 times

Frank Black in Regina


Brian and I had some details to get sorted out with the band prior to Saskatoon as well as wanting to see a show without being in the middle of hosting a bunch of fans and other responsibilities. It was a lucky thing we did!

Blog - Dean and Brian Do Regina

24 files, last one added on Nov 07, 2006
Album viewed 81 times

FB Summer Tour


Frank Black on tour with his family in the summer of 2006.

11 files, last one added on Sep 28, 2006
Album viewed 72 times



Wilson's opened this summer with what they claim are the fastest gocarts in Canada. While debatable - especially since they have the carts throttled down to about 70% - it is a lot of fun and we went out a couple times this year.

23 files, last one added on Sep 02, 2006
Album viewed 64 times

Summer at Home


Sure, I didn't travel this summer, but that didn't stop me from sight-seeing in my own backyard. Literally.

16 files, last one added on Sep 02, 2006
Album viewed 47 times



Folkfest 2006 - the greatest three-day party ever! I had a great time dancing this year in spite of the few snags and drama that accompanied it.

Blog - Folkfest

42 files, last one added on Aug 29, 2006
Album viewed 113 times

Kamsack Camping


I went camping late July with Darren in Duck Lake Provincial Park and had a great time. He was working the park and had a beautiful spot for us and we hung out with some of his friends; a great time!

Blog - Kam(p)sack

36 files, last one added on Jul 25, 2006
Album viewed 80 times

Uncle Ted's BBQ


We had a barbecue for uncle Ted right before he left for Greece and boy, did we get lucky with the weather.

45 files, last one added on Oct 27, 2009
Album viewed 209 times

16 albums on 2 page(s) 1

2 66
Feb Ski


The family ski trip to Banff Feb 16-19.

Blog - Ban FF!

55 files, last one added on Feb 23, 2005
Album viewed 66 times

April Ski


I took a ski trip with Dan to visit Jordan (and take him skiing) and, well, to ski. Good times were had by some.

11 files, last one added on May 07, 2005
Album viewed 35 times

2 albums on 1 page(s)

EuropeMy trip to Europe, with all the photographic evidence you could ever need.

Blog - Europe Posts
30 1,430


First stop: Edinburgh. May 11 & 12, I walked around the town and up Arthur's Seat for some breathtaking views.

Blog - Day 1/2/3: Arrived
Blog - Last Day in Edinburgh

45 files, last one added on May 16, 2005
Album viewed 74 times



Inverness & Loch Ness: May 13/14. I explored the small town a little and then went mountain biking on the 29 mile trail to Loch Ness' Urquhart Castle.

Blog - In Search of Nessie

36 files, last one added on May 16, 2005
Album viewed 58 times

London - Revenge of the Sith


The Revenge of the Sith Premiere and Star Wars Celebration (UK) in honour of the last installment of the series being completed and arriving May 19.

Blog - Star Wars Fantasy Camp

31 files, last one added on May 16, 2005
Album viewed 86 times



Having been through London before and not getting decent weather, there's not much here but a few shots that I felt obliged to take.

Blog - Lon-done

12 files, last one added on May 23, 2005
Album viewed 40 times



The beatiful city of Portugal was my home from May 20-23, where I sampled some fine Port and walked many a mile along the Duoro river.

Blog - Porto

73 files, last one added on May 23, 2005
Album viewed 69 times

Braga, Sintra, Lisbon


An evening and afternoon in Braga, a day gallavanting around Sintra and Capo de Roca, and finally a few photos from around Lisbon cap off my trip to Portugal.

Blog - Lis-bonne!

50 files, last one added on May 31, 2005
Album viewed 74 times



This is the city that changed my mind on Spain. It is absolutely gorgeous and I was so taken with it that I actually found myself gawking instead of taking photos. Unfortunately, this means, well, not many photos.

Blog - Made in Madrid

7 files, last one added on May 31, 2005
Album viewed 41 times



A quick respite from the subways, cathedrals, and sightseeing rigamarole, I spent a couple days relaxing in Ibiza.

Blog - Trains, Ferries, and Automobiles
Blog - Moped Mayhem

22 files, last one added on Jun 04, 2005
Album viewed 70 times



A quick stopover to Barcelona wraps up my stay in Spain.

Blog - Bar Celona

35 files, last one added on Jun 04, 2005
Album viewed 60 times

French Riviera


Morning in Montpellier, an afternoon in Avignon, then to Nice for the night and next day, the south of France was a whirlwind of activity.

Blog - Eight Hours Over France
Blog - Nice is Nice

36 files, last one added on Jun 13, 2005
Album viewed 181 times

Geneva, Zurich


My entrance into Switzerland. I was in Geneva for 2.5 hours and didn't get to see any of what I intended but still enjoyed it. Zurich, I had a little more time for, it was a nice city.

Blog - Train, Train, Go Away
Blog - YuRich?

48 files, last one added on Jun 13, 2005
Album viewed 65 times



I stopped over in Bern for about 5 hours en route from Zurich to Interlaken, took in the Einstein museum, and a hilltop view of the old town.

Blog - Bern, Baby, Bern
More albums on next page...

16 files, last one added on Jun 13, 2005
Album viewed 49 times

30 albums on 3 page(s) 1

GreeceMy three months in Greece started almost right on my birthday. 25 in style!

Blog - Greece Posts
12 466
Corfu & Ioannina


My first stop in Greece was a two day mini vacation in Corfu.

Blog - Last Stop, Greece

22 files, last one added on Sep 03, 2005
Album viewed 68 times

Meteora & Thessaloniki


Next up, a day in the monasteries of Meteora and then a few in Thessaloniki.

Blog - Last Stop, Greece

55 files, last one added on Sep 03, 2005
Album viewed 74 times

Athens & Tripoli


I met up with John in Athens and we spent the day there before heading to Tripoli and Eleohori to see my family.

Blog - John: Enter Stage Left

36 files, last one added on Sep 10, 2005
Album viewed 75 times

Diros Caves


We took a day trip down to Diros through Kalamata and Sparta to see the underground caves.

Blog - John: Enter Stage Left

15 files, last one added on Sep 10, 2005
Album viewed 42 times

Peloponessian Odyssey


We rented a car for four days and ripped through Pelops and Sterea Ellada.

Blog - Peloponessian Odyssey

50 files, last one added on Sep 11, 2005
Album viewed 78 times

Ios & Santorini


Ios and Santorini didn't have a lot of time in the overall itinerary, but we sure made the most of it!

Blog - Island Adventure

52 files, last one added on Sep 24, 2005
Album viewed 83 times



We spent John's last five days in Crete, visiting cousins, beaches, the Samaria gorge, and driving around with our guide, Siba.

Blog - Island Adventure

58 files, last one added on Sep 24, 2005
Album viewed 73 times

George's Christening


I happened to be in Athens at the same time that yet another Katsiris (not to mention another George) was being christened.

Blog - Home Away From Home

27 files, last one added on Sep 30, 2005
Album viewed 116 times

Craziness in Omonia


I also happened to be in Athens when Greece won the European Basketball championship.

Blog - Home Away From Home

15 files, last one added on Sep 30, 2005
Album viewed 50 times

Yanni & Roxanne's Wedding


My Uncle Ted was Koubarro at this wedding and I joined in on the trek.

Blog - Home Away From Home

42 files, last one added on Oct 02, 2005
Album viewed 119 times

Return to Hania


More time in Tripolis and back down to Hania for a little schooling.

Blog - Han-ia Feel The Love

49 files, last one added on Oct 23, 2005
Album viewed 93 times



After I finished up classes in Hania, I stopped in Rethymno for a few days before returning to the mainland.

Blog - Mohos and Back Again

More on next page...

45 files, last one added on Nov 04, 2005
Album viewed 74 times

12 albums on 1 page(s)

Contiki - ScandinaviaI took a 20 day tour with Contiki through Scandinavia, and what a great time we had...

Blog - Contiki Posts
13 495


The Contiki tour began in Copenhagen, the beautiful Danish capital in more ways than one.

Blog - Danish Muffins
Blog - Copenhagen to Stockholm

76 files, last one added on Jul 03, 2005
Album viewed 82 times



The second all-too-short stop was Stockholm, Sweden. It was hard to capture the city in one day, but we tried. I'll be back.

Blog - Canada Day Away, Eh?

58 files, last one added on Jul 17, 2005
Album viewed 65 times

Viking Games


The Viking Games were a pivotal moment in the brief history of this tour and something that many Contikites and anti-Contikites alike would list as a highlight.

Blog - Norway, Jose

24 files, last one added on Jul 17, 2005
Album viewed 60 times



Oslo was the third of four Scandi capitals on the itinerary, but definitely didn't belong even in fourth place compared to the others. Also in the cards, Lillehammer, home of the 1992 Winter Olympics.

Blog - No Trolling

38 files, last one added on Jul 17, 2005
Album viewed 58 times



Andalsnes just might be the most beautiful place that any of us will see in our lifetime.

Blog - No Trolling

20 files, last one added on Jul 17, 2005
Album viewed 44 times

Trolstigen Pass


Trolstigen Pass is a passage across the fjord, steep and winding, rife with waterfalls, snow fields, and beauty.

Blog - No Trolling

49 files, last one added on Jul 17, 2005
Album viewed 1029 times

Trondheim & Mo I Rama


Trondheim, the beautiful old capital of Norway, and Mo I Rama, our launching point for a trip to Svartisan Glacier and crossing the Arctic Circle.

Blog - Fjords, Glaciers, Bullfrogs

48 files, last one added on Oct 16, 2005
Album viewed 358 times



The wild Contiki marathon of bussing brought us far into the north to where twilight is but rumour, our first stop north of the Arctic Circle.

Blog - Fjords, Glaciers, Bullfrogs

10 files, last one added on Jul 17, 2005
Album viewed 38 times



Hammerfest, the northern most city in Europe, was our base for the trek to Nordkapp, the northernmost point in Europe and also some deep sea fishing - not to mention a plunge into the Arctic Ocean.

Blog - MC Hammerfest

31 files, last one added on Jul 17, 2005
Album viewed 258 times



North Cape, home of the midnight sun, a great informational movie, and destination of a heck of a good party bus.

Blog - MC Hammerfest

31 files, last one added on Jul 17, 2005
Album viewed 60 times

Rovaniemi and Keuru


Crossing back over the Arctic Circle, we payed a visit to Santa's Village and welcomed the growing darkness.

Blog - All Downhill From Here

13 files, last one added on Oct 16, 2005
Album viewed 49 times



Helsinki was easily my favourite of the Scandinavian cities, absolutely beautiful and full of life.

Blog - Cruising Back Home

More on next page (view Love Boat Photos)...

53 files, last one added on Jul 17, 2005
Album viewed 98 times

13 albums on 2 page(s) 1

2004Photos from 2004.
3 117


Christmas this year we spent in Moose Jaw.

41 files, last one added on Jan 02, 2005
Album viewed 59 times

New Year's Eve


New Year's Eve I spent at Athena with the family and some friends that came by. The restaurant and lounge were both very busy and it was definitely one of the more fun New Year's parties.

13 files, last one added on Jan 02, 2005
Album viewed 44 times



The family trip to Florida, Feb 2004

63 files, last one added on Jan 29, 2005
Album viewed 36 times


3 albums on 1 page(s)

New YorkDec 15-19, I hit the Big Apple with some friends from school and soccer, Dan, Darren, Jon, and Kurt. The city would never be the same.

Blog - New York Posts
2 72

78 - Feb 21 - Its Bigger Than It Looks.jpg

Johnny & I hit Mexico in what can only be described as the most triumphant trip in the history of travel.

66 files, last one added on Jan 03, 2005
Album viewed 342 times



A bunch of random photos taken in 2003.

6 files, last one added on Jan 04, 2005
Album viewed 24 times

2 albums on 1 page(s)

2 38
Portland Portage


Mike & I partake in a pilgrimage to the coast to see (and meet) Frank Black.

23 files, last one added on Jan 04, 2005
Album viewed 36 times

Corn Maze


Towards the berry barn, a corn maze lies waiting to ensnare the lost, homeless, and more. We braved the field on a brisk October day.

15 files, last one added on Jan 04, 2005
Album viewed 24 times

2 albums on 1 page(s)

9 504


The beginning of my European Escapade started in jolly old England.

23 files, last one added on Jan 04, 2005
Album viewed 35 times



The next stop on the tour was France, or as the French call it, France.

80 files, last one added on Jan 04, 2005
Album viewed 38 times



In Spain, Los Tres Flamencos were born, the sangria flowed freely, and we had an interesting dinner.

31 files, last one added on Jan 04, 2005
Album viewed 38 times



My second visit to Italy introduced me to Pisa and gave me more time with Rome, Venice, and Florence.

58 files, last one added on Jan 04, 2005
Album viewed 38 times



Austria was one of my favourite spots in Europe, lots of outdoor adventure and, in the small town of Hopfgarten at least, quite affordable.

36 files, last one added on Apr 18, 2008
Album viewed 39 times



Switzerland was a beautiful country tucked in the mountains and thoroughly clean. Our stops in Lucern and Lauterbrunnen were both amazing, not to mention the trek up Jungfraujoch.

12 files, last one added on Jan 04, 2005
Album viewed 27 times



Thanks to a bus breakdown, our stop in Germany was rather brief, but we still got in the major three things: beer, clocks, cars, and beer.

5 files, last one added on Jan 04, 2005
Album viewed 27 times



Although I didn't especially appreciate Amsterdam, Holland was still a great country. After all, how can one complain about anywhere that so loves its own cheesiness and clogs?

18 files, last one added on Jan 04, 2005
Album viewed 24 times



241 files, last one added on Jan 04, 2005
Album viewed 81 times


9 albums on 1 page(s)

Larissa's PhotosPhotos from Larissa.
10 500
14,677 files in 302 albums and 24 categories with 39 comments viewed 420,572 times

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