
Old Castle20 viewsAn old castle sitting on some rock overlooking Dubrovnik proper.

Dubrovnik Walls20 viewsThe walls surrounding Dubrovnik.

High Tower16 viewsThe highest point on the walls.

Bridge into Town17 viewsDubrovnik was well protected, but it didn't save it from the Serbs.

Outside Looking In17 viewsLooking down on the walls.

Main Street16 viewsRunning right through Dubrovnik.

Rooftops15 viewsWith a basilica in the distance.

Church Tower15 viewsMountains surround the other side of Dubrovnik.

Cliffs19 viewsAgain, fairly impenetrable.

Castle From Walls19 viewsOverlooking the med tiles.

Canon View18 viewsSeems like overkill to guard a beach from excessive splashing.

Rock Party25 viewsA nice little hangout.

Palmy Goodness16 viewsIt really is a beautiful city.

Harbour18 viewsYou can just make out the harbour in the photo, protected as is everything.

Dubrovnik at Large17 viewsA view of the majority of the city.

Down from the Wall19 viewsAs you can see, it's a bit of a drop.

Sunset Castle19 viewsDaylight falls.

Spanish Steps20 viewsSimilar and smaller, but just as many Italians!

Ferry Out21 viewsSome shots from the ferry ride out.

To the Sea17 viewsThe escape from Croatia.