
Sarajevo Rose22 viewsRemnants of a shell explosion, which were left as memorials to people who died as a result. This one killed some 40 people.

Sarajevo20 viewsYou can see the yellow Holiday Inn where the journalists stayed to cover the war. And a neighbouring building which fared much worse.

Jewish Tomb19 viewsIn a cemetary that the Serbs used to snipe at civilians.

Desecration30 viewsNo place was safe from the Serbs.

Sarajevo Hills21 viewsThe surrounding hills of Sarajevo.

More Graves35 viewsA LOT of people died in this war.

Lone Visitor36 viewsA man walks the winding path through the graveyard.

More Sarajevan Hills22 viewsMore of the Sarajevan hills.

Looking Down26 viewsThe view the Serbs would've had shooting down at Sarajevo.

Sniper Alley19 viewsThis otherwise everyday street had many stories of tragedy.

Old Building22 viewsA cool looking place.

Market20 viewsThe old town of Sarajevo.

Film Festival Place14 viewsWhere I would come later for my visit to the 11th Annual Sarajevo Film Festival.

More Multiculturalism29 viewsReally, you can feel the vibe in the city.

Archduke Ferdinand's Last Walk29 viewsWhere he was shot, precipitating WW1.

Shooter's Place17 viewsWhere Franz Ferdinand was shot from.

Plaque18 viewsAs seen on the second pillar in the previous picture.

Another Mosque21 viewsOn the other side of the river.

Night Vision15 viewsAnother view of the bridge.

Film Festival Time14 viewsBack at the Film Festival at night.