
47 viewsYann stands beside a larger-than-life grain car in Assiniboia.

43 viewsNative to Saskatchewan? No. As much as I don't like trophy hunting, this deceased hunter's display in Assiniboia was interesting.

47 viewsYou don't want to race this guy.

49 viewsWe travelled out of Assiniboia on the old Red Coat trail, retracing the route of the mounties as they marched west from Ontario to bring peace and order to the prairies.

49 viewsAn old rail bridge stands over a creek in... pretty much the middle of nowhere.

47 viewsWe parked the car and stretched our legs in a walk along the rail line.

55 viewsI actually tried to capture an animal crossing the tracks at full zoom but just ended up with this sort of hazy could-be-sasquatch type photo.

47 viewsBelieve it or not, the foreground is the newer bridge.

45 viewsFrederic chilling out on the old train bridge.

49 views"I hope my car's not parked too close to the tracks"

48 viewsYann walks along the tracks.

52 viewsPhoto shoot for Frederic

47 viewsI knew we had a lot of oil in the south but I was surprised to see so many of these.

47 viewsScotty the T-Rex, a celebrity from the picturesque town of Eastend. His head is here and they're still working on his body, which you can see, in their glass-walled lab.

50 viewsAn eagle watches over the oil extraction. Now that's security.

52 viewsDoes this remind anyone of dramatic hamster? Un chien prairie and one of Fred's favourite animals of Saskatchewan ironically.

49 viewsAfter Eastend the next stop was Cypress Hills, so named because the lodgepole pines that cover them were thought to be cypress trees. The altitude makes this look remarkably northern.

47 viewsYann resisted the temptation for frog legs.

40 viewsA kayak cuts across Loch Leven in Cypress Hills' east block.

36 viewsZoomed in.