30 viewsOtavalo, my first stop in Ecuador, is surrounded by volcanoes. It looks surreal on satellite.
29 viewsOtavalo is famous for its Saturday markets and woolen goods - including hats.
30 viewsGoing to Carnaval? Need a mask? Next time I'll come here first.
26 viewsA woman organizes her wares.
26 viewsAnother woman sits in the sun watching over her sweaters.
28 viewsSelling wraps.
28 viewsSpices and more spices.
30 viewsFruits and vegetables area also up for grabs.
27 viewsThis means it's lunch time.
33 viewsA little boy playing on the tree.
27 viewsDraining water from the beans.
26 viewsSelling cake and some sort of puddingish thing.
28 viewsSelling traditional clothes.
26 viewsRoasted figs and vanilla for a sandwich with goat cheese. Much better than it looks.
26 viewsTraditional Ecuador musical instruments, with armadillo sounding boards.
29 viewsA really nice painting of Cotapaxi here in Ecuador. Which I'm hoping to climb soon. My mom would like the colours, I think.
28 viewsThe beginning of my walk out of town and up into the hills around Otavalo.
26 viewsThe walk then took me through the countryside and I followed this man to a waterfall.
30 viewsPeguche waterfall.
29 viewsWhen I got to the waterfall there was a whole classroom on the rocks around the waterfall.