John's Stag
After a lot of help from friends and planning from busses and emails abroad, the big weekend of John's bachelor party arrived. Pizza and visiting on Friday; golf, BBQ steaks, and Texas Hold 'Em on Saturday, beach, burgers, Risk, and Settlers of Catan on Sunday. All in all, a nice weekend.
Blog - A Farewell to Johns
95 files, last one added on Aug 22, 2010 Album viewed 227 times
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All Done30 viewsIf I could have been left a bit so Jen was in the middle this would've been nice.
45 viewsPost-pizza, Kirk is happy and ready to regail.
29 viewsLee says Hang Loose.
21 viewsThe church in Bengough, where we had dinner.
51 viewsMedicine Hat, home of the world's tallest teepee (though I think this is cheating).
20 viewsOver time the scars of the glacier are smoothed and filled.
34 viewsBreakfast was sausage, grilled tomatoes, eggs, and toast.
29 viewsA trick of the eye, this church at first glance looks as large as the house behind it and across the street.
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421 viewsSep 08, 2010
361 viewsBeer tasting, Canada style.Sep 08, 2010
373 viewsAnd of course we capped the evening with dinner at Athena.Sep 08, 2010
352 viewsIt had been another long day for my French friends but they golfed with aplomb.Sep 08, 2010
315 viewsThe castle.Sep 08, 2010
305 viewsFred takes a putt.Sep 08, 2010
337 viewsWho knew the French were so competitive at minigolf??Sep 08, 2010
324 viewsEvening stop: Putt 'n Bounce.Sep 08, 2010